Monday, August 3, 2009

In Government, Not Everyone Will Be Happy-

I agree with the overall message of the Pleasing People Gets You Nowhere commentary. Although, Im not in agreement with that statement. I think that being there for the people around you and doing things to insure that others are happy IS the right thing to do. Pleasing people is how more people should approach each day. However, in government- being well liked, and making people happy isn't the best way to make a difference. Being a people pleaser in politics is superficial and has no long term effects for bettering our nation. It is still very important that you care about the citizens and that you relate to them, because it makes us more united, but there must be a backbone to it as well. Edmond  Burke once said, "Your representative owes you not his industry only, but his judgment, and he betrays, instead of serving you, if he sacrifices it to your opinion." I personally think that this sums up what the author of the commentary was trying to say. Being a good leader does not always mean agreeing with the public. We elected our government because we believe that they have skills that we do not have, which better them to make choices on our behalf. We need to trust that they are doing their job with the nation as a whole in mind. Like the author says, we can not expect our leaders to make everyone happy, it is just impossible. So instead of getting bent out of shape about maybe disagreeing with how a certain issue is being handled, trust that it is the best for this great country as a whole.

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