Monday, August 10, 2009

'It's not Monopoly money'

Well, no wonder we are in a recession.   In an article posted today I read that The House of Representatives passed a spending bill for $550 Million. This $550,000,000 will be spent on 8 jets, to be used for government travel. Really? Really. I can not believe that in these tough times that this is what The House of Representatives thinks is most important to spend money on.  It makes me so angry, and to quote Sen. Claire McCaskill, “the whole thing makes me sick to my stomach”. I completely agree. The money isn’t pretend money. This is our country, and were going through a really hard time financially. I understand that the safety of our government is important, but that is over the top. The Obama administration did not even request half that much. The original request was for 4 jets, costing $220 million, and The House more than doubled that request.  They obviously did this because instead of the original jets being just for senior officials, now there would be more for other members. Luckily, for once some part of our government has their head's on straight- The senate democrats and senate republicans along with the pentagon, are against the bill. From March to July, 21% of our country saying they were deeper in debt rose again to 27%. With factors like that, one would think that all parts of our government would care a little more about how we spend our money. That however, would mean that they are not selfish, greedy people.  The more and more I learn, the more and more I worry that very few of our leaders do truly care about our country and our lives instead of just their own.

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