Tuesday, August 11, 2009

headed in the right direction!

I agree with Tyler, who wrote his recent commentary about our current recession.  He points out that when it comes to tough money times, it's a sensitive subject. I'm from Michigan and just moved to Texas in August 08. With the auto industry being such a large part of the MI economy, last year I witnessed the recession like few in the country had to. When I received the opportunity to come to UT, I jumped that second. The economy effects so many people in many different areas of life. Everything in MI was depressing, several people I knew were out of jobs, and were panicking. With knowing how the recession was effecting Michigan back then, and hearing and seeing the improvements in my family and friends lives recently, I also agree with Tyler that the administration is doing a good job. Too many people expected an unrealistic automatic change, and that is just not possible. More people are getting jobs and you can see the effort from Obama and his administration. I believe that with time we will make a lot of progress, have faith in our leader people- this is just the 'beginning of the end'!

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