Monday, July 27, 2009

Raised Seal, or No Raised Seal

Roland S Martin is hilarious. With his experience in writing his column and two books, he easily rights a short commentary about President Obama's birth certificate.  He very humorously describes a YouTube video of a town hall meeting in Delaware where a woman goes berserk on a congressman, insisting to see the president’s birth certificate. As if the story itself isn’t enough to make you watch the video, the way that Martin writes his article will. After watching the video online I was dumbfounded. I completely agree with Martin that this lady is out of control. It makes me worried and dumbfounded that there are actually this ignorant of people in our country. There are way too many resources for anyone to be this misinformed. Martin mentions that there are conspiracy theorists everywhere, which I believe to be true, and most of them I imagine are just as out of their mind as this lady. Watching the video and seeing her rudely yell at Statesman Mike Castle as if it is his fault and that he actually has the certificate, its obvious that this lady has no manners or intelligence. The response from the audience shocked me, I do not believe that so many people would support this woman’s outburst on something so irrational. This issue has been nationally addressed, Hawaii has verified it, and because that is for some reason not enough, inspected it and verified it was official as well. This woman needs to realize he was elected with the majority of the country behind him and is doing good at his job. I completely agree with Martin, and with my roommate who after watching the video said “Man I wish I was at that meeting to share words with that woman.”

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