Wednesday, July 15, 2009

$ 12 Billion Plan

In this article by the Austin American Statesman it explains how Obama is turning to education for help with our economy. While in front of a tough crowd, a community college in Michigan, the state where the unemployment rates are the highest in the country, He points out that a lot of the jobs that were lost recently are jobs that are never coming back. With the economy changing we need to prepare ourselves for jobs in the new markets that are emerging. Obama says "Time and again, when we have placed our bet for the future on education, we have prospered as a result". With that he goes on to talk about the suffering economy and how he believes the $12 billion plan is going to help. This article is worth reading because not only does he explain the plan of how this will help but also he touches on other issues and also addresses some criticisms people have made about him.

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